Sunday, November 2, 2008

halloween trick or treaters

We had a delightful time watching the little ones come up to the door to trick or treat. We had our usual large number. Our street is a popular route for the children. This is the first year in about three that I actually was able to be at home and pass out candy. The most darling costume was a six year old girl dressed as a bride, whose mother (or someone) had made her a wedding dress. The material looked like it had one been someone's wedding dress and her trick or treat bag was a white matching purse accompanied by a beautiful lace head dress. The most creative costume was a young boy maybe 9 or 10 that carried a cardboard sign that read "Candy needed, anything will do, God Bless thank you. Our city has seen several street corner loiterers with signs over the months that would read "Hungary, will work for food, God bless thank you". All in all it was a delightful evening topped off with a CSI.

1 comment:

Kim said...

We were not home to passout candy but we had fun at the mall. I have Tagged you on my blog.